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Savor the springtime weather and be inspired for your own yard projects on the 2022 Sanford Historic Garden Tour presented by the Sanford Historic Trust.
Stroll through 10+ private residential gardens overflowing with flowers, native plants, and creative landscapes. Enjoy watching Plein air painters and bidding on your favorite pieces of art. Learn from interacting with educational speakers on a variety of gardening, wildlife, and home topics.
After the tour, spend some time finding the perfect Mother's Day gift in the vendor marketplace at Centennial Park and enjoy iced refreshments and delicious lunch options. It's the perfect way to spend a day in beautiful Sanford!
Find the best ticket for your day:
1. General Admission – $15.00
Get admission to all the gardens and festivities for the day!
2. General Admission + Tea Lunch in the Park – $30.00
Enjoy admission to the gardens plus lunch in the park! The menu includes:
- Coronation Chicken Salad Sandwich
- Cucumber & Seasoned Cream Cheese Sandwich
- Homemade Scone w/ Clotted Cream & Preserves
- Fresh Fruit medley
- Choice of specialty iced tea or water bottle
3. Friends of the Garden Tour – $250.00
This limited-edition package provides you with an all-inclusive VIP event experience while also helping support our mission to preserve Sanford's heritage. Friends of the garden tour enjoy:
- 2 tickets
- 2 event t-shirts
- 2 posters
- 2 picnic lunches in the park
- Recognition as supporter in tour webpage
- Recognition as supporter in tour brochure
This is a great opportunity for locals and businesses alike to contribute to the trust with recognition!
Please provide your email for follow up 2 t-shirt size selections, lunch options, and program recognition preferences. Packets will be available for pickup at ticketing table on day of tour.
Please note, orders placed after APRIL 7 cannot be guaranteed placement in brochure, but name will still be featured on event website.
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